Donation to Kingdom Entrepreneur
Your generosity makes this possible
By giving to Kingdom Entrepreneur, you help us equip Christian entrepreneurs for service in the kingdom of God.
Create and teach courses
In our courses, we educate Christian entrepreneurs and leaders to put the principles of kingdom entrepreneurship and servant leadership into practice in their entrepreneurial activity and in their leadership.
We help them build a kingdom organization and lead people in a way that honors God, and to grow in their faith and as leaders.
Develop and perform pastoral services
Pastor Nicole Schaller offers executive coaching in Christian leadership, pastoral counseling and spiritual direction for Christian entrepreneurs.
These pastoral services are designed to help entrepreneurs and their leadership teams to discern God’s presence and will, solve problems biblically, and be productive in a way that honors God.
Grow a community of Christian entrepreneurs
We propose to develop a community of Christian entrepreneurs and servant leaders, providing pastoral care, spiritual accompaniment, and coaching.
We serve primarily online, and plan to offer local courses and pastoral services at a new location in Tuscany or Umbria, Italy.
Pastoral Services for Christian Entrepreneurs
Pastor Nicole Schaller offers executive coaching in Christian leadership, pastoral counseling, as well as spiritual direction for Christian entrepreneurs. She has developed these services based on her master in business leadership and her ongoing theology studies.
Courses for Christian Entrepreneurs
Nicole Schaller is currently writing courses on kingdom entrepreneurship, servant leadership, and about Christian management and leadership in a secular world. The courses will be available from 2025.
Fundraising Goal
For this first year of Kingdom Entrepreneur, we are seeking to raise 12,000 euros to contribute to covering the costs associated with carrying out our ministry.
1,000 euros funded by 2 supporters
Goal: 12,000 Euro
Nicole Schaller,
Pastor for Entrepreneurs
Thank you for considering a one-time or monthly contribution to support our work at Kingdom Entrepreneur.
100% of every euro you are giving is used to serve a growing community of Christian entrepreneurs by:
- Writing educational content on the KE Blog / Newsletter
- Creating and providing self-paced courses
- Teaching cohort courses
- Developing and providing group coaching
- Developing and providing pastoral counseling
- Providing pastoral care.
Ways to give
Pay safely offline via SEPA bank transfer to the indicated bank account:
Recipient: Nicole Schaller
IBAN: DE55 7603 0080 0220 1155 86
BIC: CSDBDE71 (Consorsbank / BNP Paribas)
Payment purpose: Donation to Kingdom Entrepreneur
For monthly donations, please select a multiple of the monthly donation amount (for example, 12 times) at checkout and set up a standing order with your bank.
Your donation is a crowdfunding contribution and not tax-deductible.
You’ll find your donation receipt in “My Account”.
Thank you. Your contribution is appreciated.